How well does your branding travel?
Cultural Validation.
Images are
Images areleading language services provider (LSP), we see our share of websites, products, and documents ready to go global. While most of the time it’s clear that the branding will work worldwide, sometimes a “ready-to-go” project comes to us and we need to call in the culture cavalry.
Are you absolutely sure your branding visuals are culturally sensitive and appropriate?
To help you answer that question, we at MediaLocate wanted to share a quick Global Image Checklist with basic questions you should be asking yourself, or your language services provider. Download your free Global Image Checklist:
Interested in more detailed information about the most common cultural mistakes that companies make?
The following articles cover many of the areas to watch out for so that you can avoid the potential embarrassment, and even worse, the potential loss of income and damage to your brand’s reputation, before you expand into new markets.
3 Reasons Why Your Website May Sink Your International Profits
Are Your Banner Ads Clicking With Your Worldwide Customers?
Global Branding: That’s How They Roll
Could there be cultural issues with your website content?
Translation Beyond Words
How Languages See Colors Differently (VIDEO)